Friday, April 17, 2009


  • I saw this quote today on a bookmark in one of our old books
  • I am clearing out books and of course. keeping most
  • they are 99 percent christian and the other are books like
  • ''Little Women"" -- when we became Christians we got rid
  • of anything that we did not want our kids or grand-kids
  • or friends to read- had a big bonfire out at a friend's farm
  • and we have be blessed ever so much by reading God's Word
  • and books God approved.........
  • oh, I for got - the quote
  • here it is
  • I know that I can rejoice each day but I have to admit
  • my leaps are not too high- the old knees do not like the landing
  • it has frog on the bookmark
  • and a frog stuffie was papa's keeper
  • that Miss Ashley gave him after cancer
  • He had Ugly frog with him in the hospital
  • Ugly is the name as it is ugly-LOL
  • but it gave papa something to say when
  • the nurses would ask- why a frog?
  • because papa could tell to
  • == F R O G
  • well, Meme needs to rest now and I just wanted to
  • wish everyone a wonder weekend
  • hugs from Meme


Diane said...

I loved the F.R.O.G. anagram! I have to remember that! Fully Rely On God!!! I love that!

Have a great weekend, Meme!

Many hugs........


Mrs. Mac said...

I shall be looking for a frog in my garden today :) What a great story and witnessing 'tool' Have a blessed weekend.

Hugs from the North Woods,

The Raggedy Girl said...

Just stopped by to say Hi. I love the FROG.

Roberta Anne-the Raggedy Girl

Andrea said...

Very sweet! Such a loving and creative way to testify of the Lord's goodness! Meme, you are a blessing, as you share your stories of love and hope.

In Christ's Love,


Sharon said...

Great F.R.O.G. abbreviation! Had heard it but forgotten. And dear Meme, when I read your posts it always brings to mind the words of Beth Moore - "God didn't tell us not to grieve; He told us not to grieve without HOPE - big difference!" (basing her remarks on 1 Thessalonians 4:13) So yes, you will grieve for a season, but it is clear to see that by your faith you have HOPE - may each day be brighter and more hopeful than the last. Hugs, Sharon