Monday, May 18, 2009


that is right- we got the SNOW and it is still on the ground- about 2 inches and maybe more tonight-we were organized enough to bring in Miss Ashley's planter boxes that had already come up- and the ones that were too big for us to lift I covered with glass windows(old and was going to toss but decided to keep for this very reason--LOL) and then blankets- I can only hope that this is warm enough to save them for her- now she knows why Oma says not to plant seeds in this part of Alberta before May 15- I know that the seeds can be replanted but she did it with such joy and excitement that I am praying to save them for her- on the grand scale of things this is small but to see Miss Ashley have joy is joy to me------so I shoveled snow today and also took advantage of the snow day to do nothing. I did tidy as I did normal daily living so the house is no worse than yesterday night and maybe even a little better.



Terry said...

happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
happy bithday dear meme!
happy birthday to you!!!!! terry

may the lord richly bless you...

one big hug i give to you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, snow in my part of Alberta as well! Having moved here from Vancouver I can tell you this - I am NOT amused!
Have a lovely day Meme!

Roxanne said...

I have been so blessed by meeting you through your blog. You are a strong woman of God and your faith shows through your words. Hugs to you, my friend. Roxanne

PS) I'm sending you some warm Florida sunshine. Should be there before you know it. :)

Diane said...

WOW! Snow in early May! Unheard of here in TN, but what a treat! So praying Miss Ashley's plant survive.

Many hugs...........
