Wednesday, July 1, 2009


this is Dogman on a bad hair day--LOL--on his chair with his blanket.

  • I had a nice quiet day and got some extra chores done

  • took some book give aways out to papa's work shop

  • and found this nice new little plastic cupboard

  • it has 3 drawers and about 30 inches high

  • so I put it together- not too hard but still had to learn

  • the process- and now it has all those little plastic

  • containers that I use for left-overs or lunches

  • thanks = papa hubby.

  • I like the way God leads me to little bits of joy-

  • this is so handy and has wheels so Meme can

  • have fun too-

  • then I walked down to our local celebrations

  • that was on from 2 to 7

  • it was geared to kids and it was fun to watch

  • them doing the wee races etc.

  • I only saw one lady that I knew---

  • I guess the old folks stayed home- LOL

  • it was a nice outing - I did not stay until

  • 7 p.m. as the music was not quite Meme style.

  • I am glad that I can come here

  • and talk to you on my good days and

  • my bad days.......

  • today was a good day :-)

  • and I will share a picture of Dogman as

  • I think I missed posting him here.
  • huggles me- Meme

1 comment:

Terry said...

ha so this is the famous dogman meme!
i though you would have renamed him the blue jay cloth eater.
he looks so innocent looking into the eyes of the camera but i guess you know better, eh?
i am glad that you enjoyed canada day.
i remember when we were kids everybody called canada day fire cracker day. we kids never knew the true meaning of it really.
all we know was that it was a fun day and one year, we were such bad children that mom golden punished us by not letting us go to see the fire works.
and the air force base used to put on such great displays!
bernie asked me yesterday what day you would be counting down next!
take care now and the little red car says hey to the little white terry